Counselling services
Elizabeth Downing Counsellor
listened to
first step towards awareness
humans ability
I work online for your comfort and convenience
Please contact me for a free 15 minute chat

My way of working is thoughtful, sensitive, compassionate and trauma-informed

About Me

Elizabeth Downing Portrait

My own struggle to find myself and accept myself as a deep and sensitive person are the reason I first entered the therapy world, first as a client, and then training as a therapist to fulfil my longstanding wish to be of help others. My experiences have, I believe, led me to a deeper experience and understanding that I want to share with others.

I have a sincere interest in people and their experiences and deep a wish to reduce suffering. Over the years I’ve become particularly interested in how we see ourselves and how this changes when life throws new challenges at us, often forcing a need to make sense of things that we may long have forgotten about.

I approach therapy from the perspective that every person and is unique, and so is the work I do with them. Embracing difference is important to me and I take great pleasure in seeing people discover their strengths and resilience.

I have been qualified since 2008 and in private practice since 2014.

I am accredited by United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, am a Professional Accredited Member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and am a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. I subscribe to their ethical guidelines and I’m fully insured. I have undertaken specialised training to work online.

My therapy qualifications:

Level 7 MSc in Person-centred Psychotherapy and Applications (Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University)

Level 6 Clinical Diploma in Person-centred Psychotherapy and Applications (Metanoina Institute)

Level 4 Diploma in the Theory and Practice of Counselling

Certificate in Advanced Emotional Regulation

Certificate in Trauma Focused Therapy

Certified Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) Practitioner.

I love learning and attend regular Continuing Professional Development which has included:

Blue Cross Pet Loss Support training

A 9 month program in self-compassion

The Highly Sensitive Person’s Life Redesign with Alane Freund

I am currently training as a counselling supervisor.

Perhaps my most important ‘qualification’ is my own experience of being a person who processes deeply and differently and doesn’t fit in with the crowd. I care greatly about the people I work with and I really want to do my best work with everyone. I don’t pretend to have everything ‘sorted’ in my own life but I hope that there will be things that I have learned along the way that will be helpful to you.

Research consistently shows that one of the biggest influences on how therapy progresses is how well you ‘gel’ with your therapist and the working relationship we develop together. Although I hope this website gives a flavour of who I am, you can only really find out if we might fit by speaking with me. Please do get in touch so that we can arrange that.

‘When the other person is hurting, confused, troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified; or when he or she is doubtful of self-worth, uncertain as to identity, then understanding is called for. The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance… provides illumination and healing. In such situations deep understanding is, I believe, the most precious gift one can give to another.’

Carl Rogers